Black Veil Brides V

Today I want to write a really short post about some news an upcoming fifth Black Veil Brides' album. All of BVB Army heard one song from the album and we were really the biggest part of the fanbase was disappointed. After so long time we were expecting something better than this song.

The biggest pleats about the song are
- How much we can;t hear CC playing the drums.
- How not good sound Jinxx and Jake. They are awesome guitarist and we can't hear it.
- Andy who sings the way like in his solo album.
- The text of song is nothing new. "Be who you are" one more time.

I think that sharing their new photo in the old style and next share song who was so different was a mistake. Fans felt elbows by the band and I can understand all of them. As song after so long time, it doesn't sound good.

A few days ago we heard about Andy's instant story some short part of another song from BVB5. You can hear it here! I can say that it sounds better than Outsider, but I need to listen more to write my full opinion. What I can say is that we can hear more of guitar in this song.

After this Andy shared a photo from the session for BVB5 in which they have leather jacket inspired by they third album Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones. I don't know how much BVB5 will be similar to this album, but lots of fans call it the best. Here you can saw one of the photos.

I can't wait for more information about this album. Hope that we'll have it very soon.

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